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Frequently Asked Questions


Is there a cure of dyslexia?

No. We don’t have a disease or illness (mental or physical). Dyslexics can correct their reading problem when given the correct reading method.

Are there different types of dyslexia?

There seems to be a lot of confusion around this.  Everyone experiences dyslexia differently and we all have different weaknesses and strengths. The attached article explains the  types or labels  'dysphonetic'( dysphonesia)and 'dyseidetic' (dyseidesia). Click here

Do you use phonics or linguistic based tutoring?

No. If phonics worked for everyone then 52% of our children leaving school would not have literacy problems.
Phonics works well for people that think in sound. A dyslexic does not think in sound. One-third of children are visual learners, one-third are auditory (sound) and one-third are both visual and auditory.  Dyslexics are visual learners.

Ponder this - Two-thirds 'fail new primary phonics reading check' Click here for full article

BREAKING NEWS:  The phonics method of teaching children to read is not necessary past the initial stages of learning and continuing with it may disadvantage...CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE

To experience "why" click here.

Is there a quick fix?


Is this a resilience program?

Self-awareness, understanding and taking control are critical factors in achieving success. Within days our clients experience all three of these key components. Their self-esteem will regenerate as they experience success with learning for the first time. They gain skills to succeed rather than coping strategies.

Will coloured lenses help?

Dyslexia Australia will successfully correct perceptual distortions of words or symbols (known as Perceptual dyslexia) without the use of glasses or coloured lenses. 

Coloured lenses are for a condition known as Irlen or Meares-Irlen Syndrome (aka scoptic sensitivity syndrome) NOT for dyslexia. The Irlen Syndrome is a condition characterised by visual distress. Some of the problems associated with this syndrome are sensitivity to light or colour, poor depth perception, lack of facial recognition and visual distortions.

This condition is separate from Dyslexia and should be treated separately.
Myths and Facts about Irlen Syndrome

Is there a one size fits all program?


Will a professional diagnosis provide help from school?

QLD Department of Education  and the Federal Government do not have dedicated funding for dyslexia.  Therefore,  there is no need to spend your money on testing when our on-line assessment will confirm your suspicions.  However, should you feel that an assessment is your next step then:

Dyslexia Australia is pleased to announce our additional service - Dyslexia Screening Test.  Please contact us to make an appointment with our Education Consultant.  Currently, this service is only offered in Brisbane(Loganholme) and Sydney however our services will be extend when sufficient interest is expressed.

Please note: An Educational Assessment by an Educational Psychologist should be considered if you require special provisions such as a reader/writer in year 11 and 12. Check with your school authority for their policy on accommodations or funding.

At Dyslexia Australia we provide the answers to "why" there is a reading/learning problem and "what" is needed and "how" to create a positive solution.

Links-QLD Education

Do we need a diagnosis to work with you?

No. Our on-line assessment and initial consultation is sufficient.

Can you work with other reading problems such as Auditory Processing.

The root cause of a reading problem is dyslexia unless there are other conditions involved (brain damage caused by accidents or other conditions such as Downs Syndrome). Labels such as Auditory Processing or Language Based Disorder simply describes a symptom that particular person has. 

CONTACT -  click here to book an in office consultation or arrange a Dyslexia Screening Test.

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