Dyslexia Australia Mission StatementDyslexia Australia Misson StatementDyslexia Australia Mission StatementDyslexia Australia Mission StatementDyslexia Australia Certificate Of Appreciation



Dyslexia Australia offers a Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program which is suitable for students and adults aged 8-80 who are experiencing challenges in reading, writing and comprehension.

Course details in brief:

  • Consultation(children must be a minimum of 8 to be considered)
  • 1 week long (30 hours) one-on-one with the facilitator.
  • Individualised solution using an experiential, visual, auditory encoding and kinesthetic approach (Multi-sensory)
  • New reading techniques with emphasis on a non-phonics approach
  • Word de-coding skills (non-phonics based)
  • Comprehension skills
  • Focusing techniques
  • Sight word proficiency
  • Stress management
  • The program is provided one-on-one in a stress free environment
  • Training for a family member or tutor for support at home.
  • Continued email and phone consultation with the facilitator when requested by the client
  • Materials required for the required follow up work.

The most valuable investment and experience available.  For help contact  us on our on-line booking form.  On-line form - click here

Dyslexia programs provided in QLD and NSW.  At the clients request, consideration can be given to service other areas.


Sight words

Sight words will cause a dyslexic problems because these words can not be translated into visual pictures.

For example, when we read the word “cat” we can instantly create a picture in our

Let’s try the word “ball”.

Now try “car”.

Think Of The Word Cat Think Of The Word Ball Think Of The Word Car

Now picture the meaning of the word “on”.

Now picture the meaning of the word “in”.

Now picture the meaning of the word “where”

Think Of The Word On Think Of The Word In Think Of The Word The

A dyslexic must create pictures in order to read.  Here are examples of creating pictures for non-picture words.

Now picture the meaning of the word “on”.
"on a trampoline"
Click Here To Enlarge Photo.
Click Here To Enlarge Photo

Now picture the meaning of the word “in”.
"in a bathtub"
Click Here To Enlarge Photo.
Click Here To Enlarge Photo

Now picture the meaning of the word “where”.
"Where are my glasses?"
Click Here To Enlarge Photo.
Click Here To Enlarge Photo

Think Of The Word On Think Of The Word In Think Of The Word In

Click Here to read about Talented Dyslexics.

TO ORDER BOOK - Click here


Research  Research Overview


Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand


Privacy/disclaimer statement

Professional services described as Davis™,Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Math Mastery® may only be provided by persons who are employed by a licensed Davis Specialist, or who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators by Davis Dyslexia Association International.


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