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The following is an excerpt from a letter that I received from a pleased parent"

"I am writing this testimonial about Brenda Baird as I can’t thank her enough for changing our lives. I would like to share my journey with you."

Click here to read the letter 

The following is an excerpt from a letter that I received from another teacher:

"I can see from working with this little boy using the Dyslexia Program that not only has his
Confidence and reading improved but the parents have found a hope that at last something is working for him. He still has a long, long way to journey but sometimes the beginning step is the hardest. There’s a light at the end of that long tunnel now.

How can one not feel rewarded when you receive a late phone call from a mother telling you with so much excitement in her voice that her little boy has actually selected and read a book to his young brother all on his own volition."

Click here to read the letter.  Written From The Heart 

Testimony From A Teacher Who Took The Program

The following is an excerpt from a letter that I received from a Teacher.

"As a teacher and administrator for over 25 years, I would be happy to recommend Dyslexia Australia. I have been greatly impressed, having seen the results it has given for a young 10 year old boy I tutor on a weekly basis. Having done some initial training with you I was astonished to see how the program can fit with sound educational pedagogy. After our first session I was left wondering why this program is not implanted in all schools and learning situations."

Click here to read the letter.

Courier Mail

The following is an excerpt from the Article Published in the Courier Mail.

The 10-year-old girl from Charters Towers, north Queensland, has become calm, happy and self-confident after being sad and frustrated for most of her schooling life.
"To me, it's like someone has taken the blindfold off her."
"It was the best investment I have ever made."

What's In A Name

The following are excerpts from the Article Published in the Dyslexic Reader
Parent Responses to Ms. Bairds's Article

"From Sally's Mom:
I must say I have to agree with you.  Long before we realised that Sally had dyslexia, I knew that she didn't look at the world in the same way!  I remember once I sent her to clean up the bathroom.  After about 20 minutes I went in to check on her.  The place was a shambles, even worse than when I sent her in!  She was sitting on the floor, scribbling on pieces of paper.  I asked (calmly) what she was doing.  She said she was writing down how many we had of each item in the cupboard:  toothpaste, soap, washers etc.., all lined up with the count on paper!  She was taking inventory!  I think she was 7 at the time..."

"From Lloyd's Mom:
Lloyd has been continuing persistently in his passion for building aeroplanes.  He downloads plans off the internet, draws up his designs, prints them out and gets to it.  After many, many, many models of different shapes, sizes and building materials, this one FLEW YESTERDAY! "

The following, is the testimonial of a client that travelled from New Zealand to complete a program with Dyslexia Australia in October. The 1 week program has ongoing support from his parents and Dyslexia Australia.

"I have had trouble with reading and writing ever since I started school. I only found out last year that I was dyslexic. Ever since I was Year 3 I have had extra tutoring and homework which didn’t help much and took up a lot of my time which could have been spent differently.

In October last year I did the  Dyslexia Program and so far it is only thing that has worked for me. It has helped me to understand better when I am reading with out going over it 3 or 4 times. Before I did this program I could not see punctuation when reading and therefore I didn't ’t use it in writing. It is also helping with my spelling and handwriting".
                                                                                                                                         Doug B.

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